Our Specialization

Denied Accident Benefits Lawyer – North York and Toronto Clients

Being denied of your rightful accident benefits can be stressful and frustrating, especially when faced with the burden of expensive hospitalization, medical bills, rehabilitation, and lost wages. Accident benefits support and compensate injured individuals following a car accident. Our Toronto and North York accident benefits lawyers can help.

Insurance companies are supposed to help you in your time of need. Unfortunately, there are a number of reasons why they may deny you benefits, including:

  • Evidence that you are not injured: Insurance companies have been known to track their clients’ activities and social media postings for evidence that they are not as injured as they claim to be. If you have gone hiking or swimming, or posted pictures of yourself doing activities with your family, an insurance company may use that against you.
  • Evidence that you are able to work: Often, your ability to work may be diminished, but not completely gone. You may be able to work part time, for much lower pay (or at a position for which you have no training or interest). If so, disability benefits may be denied.
  • Insufficient documentation or missed deadlines: You may be penalized for not having the right documents showing evidence of your injuries — or expenses for rehabilitation. Your insurance company may also deny benefits by claiming that you have missed deadlines.
  • The cap for medical benefits and assessment under Ontario’s Minor Injury Guideline (MIG) is $3,500. The cap for other non-catastrophic and catastrophic injuries is much higher. Your insurance company may try to classify your injuries under the MIG and, in the end, leave you with very limited benefits and insufficient medical treatment.

Our North York and Toronto lawyers for accident benefit denials are familiar with all of these tactics and many more. We can help you counter them through aggressively fighting the insurer every time the insurer tries such tactics and ultimately we can start legal proceedings be it in the Courts or in the Licence Appeal Tribunal (“LAT”), and get you the benefits you need. For example, our lawyers can:

  • Prove that being well enough to hike is not the same as being well enough to work, or that swimming is part of your physical therapy.
  • Help you gather and submit the correct documentation and deal with time sensitive matter before deadlines.
  • Fight to get your injury reclassified out of the MIG or into a Catastrophic designation. Rooz Law has a great deal of experience ensuring that clients are not denied benefits they deserve simply because of paperwork or underhanded insurance tactics. Let us use that experience for your benefit.

Fighting Your Benefit Denials in Toronto and North York

A person denied their benefits can submit an appeal application to the Licence Appeal Tribunal (“LAT”) to pursue the denied benefit. We’ll handle that paperwork for you as well as represent you at the appeal hearing. During the whole appeal process, Rooz Law serves as the representative accident benefit lawyer for North York and Toronto cases and negotiates with the insurance company for an appropriate settlement amount or pursue the case to a decision by a LAT adjudicator. If necessary, we will seek a Reconsideration at the LAT for you. Beyond that, Rooz Law accident benefits lawyers may take any accident benefits matter further for you on either a Judicial Review in front of the Divisional Court or appeal any LAT decision.

How Rooz Law Helps

We represent individuals who are denied of their benefits following an accident. Each case is unique, and our team offers a no-obligation consultation to discuss your situation. We will walk you through the process and explain what to expect.

Contact Us

If you have been injured in the Greater Toronto Area, contact Rooz Law at 416-229-6000. The sooner you call, the faster we can get you the compensation you deserve

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