This is one of many reasons why it’s important to contact Rooz Law right away: we know how to help ensure you are not blamed for your accident if you are not at fault. Even if you are at fault, you should still contact Rooz Law and speak to our North York and Toronto bicycle and motorcycle accident lawyers, in order to ensure that you get all the benefits you deserve.
Although bicycles and motorcycles are supposed to behave the same as motor vehicles on Ontario roads — and be treated as such by other drivers — they have vulnerabilities that other vehicles on the road don’t. Because they are exposed to the elements and unprotected by steel, their riders can be severely injured by a crash. Some common injuries include:
All of these can result in lost wages as well as medical and rehabilitation expenses. There may also be other long-term expenses for bicyclists and motorcyclists who are unable to work or take care of themselves or their families for a prolonged period of time.
If you have been hurt while riding a motorcycle or bicycle, we can help you.
We know that motorcycle and bike accidents can happen for a number of reasons, including driver inattention, poor weather and lighting conditions, “dooring”, speeding, and bicyclist and motorcyclist error. However, motorcyclists are often seen as reckless, and many motorists don’t want bicycles on the road. Police and insurance investigators may assume you are at fault, even if you are not, and may not investigate your case as thoroughly as others. In cases of dooring, for example, it may simply be assumed that the bicyclist should have been more careful when riding near parked cars. Too often drivers who door cyclists are not even fined.
It’s also important to call even if you are not sure whether your incident qualifies as an accident. Alon Rooz has successfully handled a case in which a bicyclist fell off of his bicycle and was injured without being touched by the car, because the car driver intimidated him. If you have been injured in a hit-and-run, we can also find you compensation. Call us and we’ll see if you have a case.
If you have been injured in the Greater Toronto Area, contact Rooz Law at 416-229-6000. The sooner you call, the faster we can get you the compensation you deserve